ML/DL/AI Projects

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Note: Installation Guide via AnyDesk or Zoom (Cost: ₹100)

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Project Title Cost Buy Now
Diabetes Prediction System using Python Django Machine Learning 1500 Rs
Heart Disease Prediction System using Python Django Machine Learning 800 Rs
Heart Disease Prediction System using Python Django Machine Learning(With New Report PPT) 1200 Rs
Smart Health Disease Prediction using ML Algo 800 Rs
Smart Health Disease Prediction using ML Algo (With New Report PPT) 1200 Rs
Age & Gender Recognition Python Django(Without Report PPT) 1000 Rs
Age & Gender Recognition Python Django(With Report PPT) 1500 Rs
Lung Cancer Prediction System Project Python Django using Deep Learning 1700 Rs
Fake News Detection Project Using Python Django Machine Learning 600 Rs
Malnutrition Detection System Python Django(Without Report PPT) 1500 Rs.
Malnutrition Detection System Python Django(With Report PPT) 2000 Rs.
Oral Cancer Prediction Python Django(Report Pages - 72, PPT Pages - 42) 1500 Rs
Stock Price Prediction System Python Django Machine Learning(Without Report PPT) 2000 Rs.
Stock Price Prediction System Python Django Machine Learning(With Report PPT) 2500 Rs.
Thalassemia Prediction ML & Blood Bank Management System Python Django(Without Report PPT) 1200 Rs
New Born Baby Prediction using Machine Learning | Python Django(Without Report PPT) 1500 Rs.
New Born Baby Prediction using Machine Learning | Python Django(With Report PPT) 2000 Rs.
Driver Drowsines Detection System Python Django Deep Learning 2500 Rs.
Traffic Sign Detection System Python Django Deep Learning 3000 Rs.
Breast Cancer Prediction System Project using Python Django Deep Learning 3500 Rs.
Crop Recommendation System Using Python Django Machine Learning(Without Report PPT) 1000 Rs Buy Now
Crop Recommendation System Using Python Django Machine Learning(With Report PPT) 1500 Rs
Movie Recommendation System based on Facial Expression using Deep Learning | Python Django | EfficientNet 3500 Rs.
IPL Win Probability Predictor Project Machine Learning Python Django(Without Report PPT) 1500 Rs
IPL Win Probability Predictor Project Machine Learning Python Django(With Report PPT) 2000 Rs
Laptop Price Predictor Project Machine Learning Python Django 1500 Rs
Dog Breed Prediction Project Deep Learning Python Django(Without Report PPT) 2000 Rs
Dog Breed Prediction Project Deep Learning Python Django(With Report PPT) 2500 Rs
Music Recommendation System based on Facial Expression using Deep Learning | Python Django | EfficientNet 3500 Rs.
Music Recommendation System Enhanced with Facial Expression Analysis and Web Scraping | Deep Learning | Python Django | EfficientNet 4000 Rs.
Health Care System(Medical Recommendation System) | Machine Learning | Python Django 2500 Rs.
Fake Logo Detection System using Python Django 3500 Rs.
Face Mask Detection Project using Python | Django | Deep Learning 1500 Rs.
Hand Written Digit Recognition Project using Python | Django | Deep Learning 2000 Rs.
Music Genre Classifier using Python Django Machine Learning | KNN 2500 Rs.
Brain Tumor Detection using Python Django Deep Learning | CNN 2500 Rs.
Yoga Pose Detection System using Python Django Deep Learning(Report Pages - 89, PPT Pages - 47) 2500 Rs.
Text Emotion Detection System using Python Django Machine Learning 1000 Rs.

If you wish to view the project demo via Google Meet or Zoom, the cost is ₹30

The prices for all products listed on the website are final. Please refrain from bargaining as a lot of effort goes into creating these products. Only contact us if you are serious about making a purchase. 🙏